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EPDM Installation Notes

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EPDM Installation Notes

For RDT&E Machines

Using this Document

  • To use the links to figures, Ctrl + clickto follow the hyperlink to the figure referenced.
  • To return to the place in the instructions where you left off, click the back button in the Quick Launch Toolbar at the top of the Microsoft Word window, or press Alt + Left.

Requirements for Installation

  • Contact the RDT&E Helpdesk and obtain permission to install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and SolidWorks EPDM, reference DADMS ID:
  • Ports 1433 and 3030 open or unrestricted from becoming activated by EPDM. (TCP and UDP)
  • Built-in Administrator account enabled and logged in. If you are not an administrator of the machine you SolidWorksare performing the installation on, you will need to contact a system administrator that has the appropriate access.

SQL Server 2008 Installation

  1. During the installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2008, on the Database Engine Configuration screen, under the Account Provisioning tab, select Windows Authentication Mode. This conflicts with page 20 of the EPDM Installation Guide which directs the user to select Mixed Mode (SQL Server Authentication and Windows Authentication).
    1. You will change this setting later, after installation of SQL Server 2008 is complete.
    2. If you were to select Mixed Mode, an error window will appear stating that Windows will shut down in one minute. This is a known issue across the RDT&E network as stated by the helpdesk.

Preparation for EPDM Install

  1. After the SQL Server 2008 installation is complete, navigate to the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio by either typing in ssmsin the search box of the start menu or navigating to the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 folder under Start Menu > All Programs.
  2. A Connect to Serverwindow will appear, Figure 1.Use the following settings:
    1. Server type: Database Engine
    2. Server name: (local)
    3. Authentication: Windows Authentication
    4. User name and password should be greyed out with your windows login name filled in.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. In the left Object Explorerpane, Figure 2, right click on the server name which should begin with (local).
  5. In the Server Propertieswindow that appears, Figure 3, select Security.
  6. Under Server authentication, select SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Expand the (local)server in the left Object Explorerpane, Figure 4.
  9. Expand the Securityfolder, and the Logins
  10. Right click on the sauser, then click properties.
  11. UnderSelect a page, Figure 5, click Status. Under Login:click Enabled.
  12. UnderSelect a page, Figure 6, click General, and then enter a new password in both the Password:and Confirm password:
  13. Clear the Enforce password policybox, if checked. Click OK.
  14. Close the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and proceed with the SolidWorks EPDM Installation, using the salogin and password set in Step 12.

EPDM Installation

  1. When installing EPDM, be sure to use the built-in administrator account, otherwise the installer may not be able to make the necessary changes or install files may be rejected due to certificate errors.
  2. Ensure to use the saaccount or other account with SQL login and password as created during the SQL Server installation or in the SQL Server Management Studio.
    1. If installation does not continue past the SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Database Server SQL Login screen, as noted on page 41 of the EPDM Installation Guide, ensure the user account you are entering into the Login namefield has the appropriate read/write permissions and SQL Server and Windows Authentication modeis selected under the Server authenticationpage of the Server Propertieswindow in the SQL Server Management Studio.

List of Figures


Figure 1


Figure 2

Figure 3


Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6


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